Opel Corsa B 1993–2000 Service and Repair Manual: Camshaft toothed belt tensioner and idler rollers - removal and refitting
1. Remove the toothed belt.
2. Remove the Allen screw which secures the belt tensioner. Lift off the tensioner and its mounting plate and recover the spacer sleeve.
3. Similarly unbolt and remove the idler roller and recover its sleeve.
4. Renew the rollers if they show roughness when spun, or if they have been noisy in operation.
5. Refitting is the reverse of the removal procedure, noting the following points:
- Make sure the spacer sleeves are the right
way round. The smaller diameter of the
tensioner sleeve goes towards the block.
The smaller diameter of the idler sleeve goes away from the block.
- Tighten the screws to the specified torque.
- Fit a new camshaft toothed belt.
Camshaft sprocket oil seals - renewal
1. Remove the camshaft toothed belt.
2. Remove the camshaft cover and the camshaft sprockets.
3. Punch or drill a small hole in the face of one of the oil seals. Screw in a self-tapping screw and use this to lever the seal out. Clean the seal seat.
4. Grease the lips of a new seal and fit it, lips inwards. Seat the seal by tapping it home using a mallet and a large socket or a piece of tube (see illustrations).
Fitting a new camshaft oil seal
Seating a camshaft oil seal
5. Repeat the operations on the other oil seal.
6. The remainder of refitting is the reverse of the removal procedure. Fit a new camshaft toothed belt.
Camshaft toothed belt -
removal and refitting
Note: The camshaft toothed belt must be
renewed every time it is removed, even if it is
apparently in good condition.
1. Raise and support the front of the vehicle. Remove
the engine unde ...
Camshafts - removal and
1. Remove the camshaft toothed belt as
described in Section 7.
2. Remove the spark plug cover, which is
retained by two Allen screws. Disconnect the
breather hoses from the camshaft cover ...
See also:
Opel Corsa B 1993–2000 Service and Repair Manual. Air cleaner filter element
Carburettor models
1. To remove the air cleaner element, remove
the air cleaner cover. This is secured by a
centre nut or bolt, or by three screws.
Additionally, release the spring clips around