Opel Corsa B 1993–2000 Service and Repair Manual: Distributor - removal and refitting


1.3 and 1.4 litre carburettor models

1. Remove the spark plugs.

2. Undo the distributor cap retaining screws, lift of the cap and place it to one side.

3. With the transmission in gear and the handbrake released, pull the car forwards, until, with a finger over the plug hole, compression can be felt in No 1 cylinder (the cylinder nearest the crankshaft pulley).

Continue moving the car forwards until the notch on the crankshaft pulley is aligned with the timing pointer (see illustration). (On automatic transmission models, turn the engine by means of a spanner on the crankshaft bolt.) If the distributor cap is temporarily placed in position, the distributor rotor should be pointing towards the No 1 spark plug lead segment in the cap.

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Crankshaft pulley timing notch (arrowed) aligned with pointer (1.3 litre model shown, others similar)

4. Disconnect the distributor wiring connector at the ignition coil (see illustration), and detach the vacuum advance pipe from the distributor vacuum unit.

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Disconnecting the distributor wiring connector at the ignition coil

5. Undo the distributor clamp retaining nut (or bolt), lift off the clamp plate, and withdraw the distributor from the camshaft housing (see illustration)

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Removing the distributor from the camshaft housing

1.6 litre carburettor models and 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8 litre (18E engine) fuel injection models

6. The procedure is similar to that just described in paragraphs 1 to 5, with the following differences.

  1. The wiring connector must be unplugged from the distributor, not from the coil (see illustration).
  2. The distributor cap is secured by two spring clips, not by screws (see illustration).
  3. There is a mark on the edge of the distributor body to indicate the rotor contact position for No 1 cylinder firing, but the rotor and flash shield must be removed to expose it (see illustration).

    The rotor can then be refitted to confirm the alignment.

  4. The distributor is secured by two nuts, not by a clamp plate. Where no mark is present make one with a scriber or dot of white paint (see illustration).
  5. The distributor drive is by means of an offset peg and hole, not by a slot and dogs (see illustration).

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Unplugging the distributor LT connector (1.6 litre carburettor model shown)

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Removing the distributor cap (1.6 litre carburettor model shown)

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Removing the flash shield to expose the No 1 cylinder reference mark (arrowed) (1.6 litre carburettor model shown)

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Removing the distributor upper securing nut (1.6 litre carburettor model shown)

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Removing the distributor - note pegand- hole drive (1.6 litre carburettor model shown)

1.8 litre (18SE engine) models

7. Disconnect the battery leads.

8. Undo the retaining screws and remove the distributor cap from the distributor (see illustration).

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
On 1.8 litre (18SE engine) models, undo the distributor cap retaining screws

9. Extract the insulator. This is an interference fit in the housing, via an O-ring seal located in a groove on its outer edge, so ease it out of position taking great care not to damage the rotor arm (see illustration).

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Extract the insulator

10. Undo the two retaining screws and remove the rotor arm (see illustrations).

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Undo the two Allen screws . . .

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
. . . and remove the rotor

11. If necessary, extract the rotor hub and carefully lever the oil seal out from the cylinder head (see illustrations).

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Extract the rotor hub . . .

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
. . . and prise out the oil seal

2.0 litre 8-valve models

12. Refer to paragraphs 7 to 11.

2.0 litre 16-valve models

13. Disconnect the battery earth (negative) lead.

14. Disconnect the Hall sensor multi-plug from the distributor (see illustration).

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
On 2.0 litre 16-valve models, disconnect the Hall sensor wiring . . .

15. Remove the spark plug lead cover and disconnect the leads from the plugs.

Disconnect the HT distributor-to-coil lead from the coil or from the distributor cap.

16. Remove the two bolts which secure the distributor to the cylinder head (see illustration).

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
. . . then undo the retaining bolts . . .

17. Withdraw the distributor complete with cap and HT leads. Note how the offset peg on the distributor drive fits into the hole in the exhaust camshaft (see illustration).

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
. . . and remove the distributor


1.3 and 1.4 litre carburettor models

18. Before refitting the distributor, check that the engine has not been inadvertently turned whilst the distributor was removed; if it has, return it to the original position as described in paragraph 3.

19. Position the distributor so that the rotor contact is in line with the arrow or notch in the distributor body. In this position, the offset lug on the distributor drive coupling will be in the correct position to engage the similarly-offset slot in the end of the camshaft (see illustrations).

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Distributor rotor contact, and arrow on distributor body (circled) in alignment . . .

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
. . . causing the drive coupling to be aligned like this . . .

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
. . . to engage the offset slot in the camshaft

20. Check that the O-ring seal is in place on the distributor body, then insert the distributor into its camshaft housing location. With the rotor contact and arrow on the distributor body still in line, refit and secure the distributor clamp.

21. Refit the distributor cap, spark plugs and leads, wiring plug and vacuum pipe.

22. Adjust the ignition timing.

1.6 litre carburettor models and 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8 litre (18E engine) fuel injection models

23. Refer to paragraphs 18 to 22, bearing in mind the information given in paragraph 6.

1.8 litre (18SE engine) models

24. Lubricate the lips of the new seal and press the seal squarely into position in the cylinder head, making sure its sealing lip is facing inwards. If necessary, tap the seal into position using a suitable tubular drift which bears only on its hard outer edge.

25. Carefully ease the rotor hub into position aligning its holes with the retaining bolt holes in the camshaft flange (see illustration).

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Align the camshaft and rotor hub bolt holes

26. Refit the rotor arm and securely tighten its retaining screws.

27. Fit a new O-ring to the groove in the insulator. Apply a smear of oil to aid installation and ease the insulator into position (see illustration).

Electronic (breakerless) ignition systems
Renewing the insulator sealing ring

28. Refit the distributor cap, making sure it is correctly located, and securely tighten its retaining screws.

2.0 litre 8-valve models

29. Refer to paragraphs 24 to 27.

2.0 litre 16-valve models

30. Refitting is the reverse of the removal procedure. Renew the O-ring seal if necessary. The distributor can only be fitted in one position and its fixings are not slotted as it has no direct influence on the ignition timing.

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