Opel Corsa Owners Manual: Instruments and controls
Opel Corsa Owners Manual / Instruments and controls
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■ Heavy objects in the load
compartment should be placed
against the seat backrests. Ensure
the backrests are securely
engaged. If objects can be stacked,
the heavier ...
Steering wheel adjustment, Steering wheel controls, Heated steering wheel
Steering wheel adjustment
Steering wheel adjustment
Unlock lever, adjust steering wheel,
then engage lever and ensure it is
fully locked.
Do not adjust steering wheel unless
veh ...
See also:
Opel Corsa B 1993–2000 Service and Repair Manual. Timing gear components -
removal and refitting
1. For greater access remove the front
right-hand wheel trim and slacken the wheel
bolts. Jack up the front of the car, support it
securely on axle stands and remove the roadwheel.
2. Und ...