Opel Corsa B 1993–2000 Service and Repair Manual: Front anti-roll bar - removal and refitting


1. Raise and support the front of the vehicle.

2. Unbolt both ends of the anti-roll bar from the control arms (see illustration).

Suspension and steering
Front anti-roll bar end link

3. Unbolt the two brackets from the bulkhead.

4. Remove the anti-roll bar through one of the wheel arches, turning the steering wheel as necessary to obtain sufficient clearance.

5. Renew the rubber mountings as necessary.

Use a silicone-based lubricant on the bulkhead bracket bushes.


6. When refitting, fasten the two brackets first; tightening their bolts to the specified torque.

7. Tighten the end mountings to achieve a dimension A, as shown using new self-locking nuts (see illustration).

Suspension and steering
Anti-roll bar cushion link setting

A = 38mm

8. Lower the vehicle when the anti-roll bar is secured.

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