Opel Corsa B 1993–2000 Service and Repair Manual: Engine
Engine fails to rotate when attempting to start
- Battery terminal connections loose or corroded.
- Battery discharged or faulty.
- Broken, loose or disconnected wiring in the starting circuit.
- Defective starter solenoid or switch .
- Defective starter motor.
- Starter pinion or flywheel ring gear teeth loose or broken.
- Engine earth strap broken or disconnected.
- Automatic transmission not in Park/Neutral position or starter inhibitor switch faulty.
Engine rotates, but will not start
- Fuel tank empty.
- Battery discharged (engine rotates slowly).
- Battery terminal connections loose or corroded.
- Ignition components damp or damaged .
- Broken, loose or disconnected wiring in the ignition circuit .
- Worn, faulty or incorrectly-gapped spark plugs.
- Carburettor/fuel injection system fault.
- Major mechanical failure (eg camshaft drive).
Engine difficult to start when cold
- Battery discharged.
- Battery terminal connections loose or corroded .
- Worn, faulty or incorrectly-gapped spark plugs .
- Choke mechanism faulty - carburettor models .
- Faulty fuel cut-off solenoid - carburettor models.
- Fuel injection system fault - fuel-injected models .
- Other ignition system fault .
- Low cylinder compressions .
Engine difficult to start when hot
- Air filter element dirty or clogged .
- Choke mechanism faulty - carburettor models .
- Faulty fuel cut-off solenoid - carburettor models .
- Fuel injection system fault - fuel-injected models .
- Other ignition system fault.
- Low cylinder compressions.
Starter motor noisy or excessively-rough in engagement
- Starter pinion or flywheel ring gear teeth loose or broken.
- Starter motor mounting bolts loose or missing.
- Starter motor internal components worn or damaged .
Engine starts, but stops immediately
- Loose or faulty electrical connections in the ignition circuit.
- Vacuum leak at the carburettor/throttle body or inlet manifold.
- Blocked carburettor jet(s) or internal passages - carburettor models.
- Blocked injector/fuel injection system fault - fuel-injected models .
Engine idles erratically
- Air filter element clogged.
- Vacuum leak at the carburettor/throttle body or inlet manifold.
- Worn, faulty or incorrectly-gapped spark plugs .
- Uneven or low cylinder compressions .
- Camshaft lobes worn .
- Camshaft toothed belt incorrectly fitted.
- Blocked carburettor jet(s) or internal passages - carburettor models.
- Blocked injector/fuel injection system fault - fuel-injected models.
Engine misfires at idle speed
- Worn, faulty or incorrectly-gapped spark plugs.
- Faulty spark plug HT leads .
- Vacuum leak at the carburettor/throttle body, inlet manifold or associated hoses.
- Blocked carburettor jet(s) or internal passages - carburettor models.
- Blocked injector/fuel injection system fault - fuel-injected models.
- Distributor cap cracked or tracking internally .
- Uneven or low cylinder compressions.
- Disconnected, leaking, or perished crankcase ventilation hoses.
Engine misfires throughout the driving speed range
- Fuel filter choked.
- Fuel pump faulty, or delivery pressure low.
- Fuel tank vent blocked, or fuel pipes restricted.
- Vacuum leak at the carburettor/throttle body, inlet manifold or associated hoses.
- Worn, faulty or incorrectly-gapped spark plugs.
- Faulty spark plug HT leads.
- Distributor cap cracked or tracking internally.
- Faulty ignition coil .
- Uneven or low cylinder compressions .
- Blocked carburettor jet(s) or internal passages - carburettor models .
- Blocked injector/fuel injection system fault - fuel-injected models.
Engine hesitates on acceleration
- Worn, faulty or incorrectly-gapped spark plugs.
- Vacuum leak at the carburettor/throttle body, inlet manifold or associated hoses.
- Blocked carburettor jet(s) or internal passages - carburettor models .
- Blocked injector/fuel injection system fault - fuel-injected models .
Engine stalls
- Vacuum leak at the carburettor/throttle body, inlet manifold or associated hoses.
- Fuel filter choked.
- Fuel pump faulty, or delivery pressure low.
- Fuel tank vent blocked, or fuel pipes restricted .
- Blocked carburettor jet(s) or internal passages - carburettor models.
- Blocked injector/fuel injection system fault - fuel-injected models .
Engine lacks power
- Camshaft toothed belt incorrectly fitted .
- Fuel filter choked .
- Fuel pump faulty, or delivery pressure low.
- Uneven or low cylinder compressions.
- Worn, faulty or incorrectly-gapped spark plugs.
- Vacuum leak at the carburettor/throttle body, inlet manifold or associated hoses.
- Blocked carburettor jet(s) or internal passages - carburettor models.
- Blocked injector/fuel injection system fault - fuel-injected models.
- Brakes binding .
- Clutch slipping - manual transmission models.
Engine backfires
- Camshaft toothed timing belt incorrectly fitted.
- Vacuum leak at the carburettor/throttle body, inlet manifold or associated hoses.
- Blocked carburettor jet(s) or internal passages - carburettor models.
- Blocked injector/fuel injection system fault - fuel-injected models.
Oil pressure warning light illuminated with engine running
- Low oil level, or incorrect oil grade.
- Faulty oil pressure sensor.
- Worn engine bearings and/or oil pump .
- High engine operating temperature.
- Oil pressure relief valve defective .
- Oil pick-up strainer clogged .
Engine runs-on after switching off
- Excessive carbon build-up in engine .
- High engine operating temperature .
- Faulty fuel cut-off solenoid - carburettor models.
- Fuel injection system fault - fuel injection models.
Engine noises
Pre-ignition (pinking) or knocking during acceleration or under load
- Ignition timing incorrect/ignition system fault .
- Incorrect grade of spark plug.
- Incorrect grade of fuel.
- Vacuum leak at the carburettor/throttle body, inlet manifold or associated hoses.
- Excessive carbon build-up in engine .
- Blocked carburettor jet(s) or internal passages - carburettor models.
- Blocked injector/fuel injection system fault - fuel-injected models.
Whistling or wheezing noises
- Leaking inlet manifold or carburettor/throttle body gasket.
- Leaking exhaust manifold gasket or pipe-to-manifold joint .
- Leaking vacuum hose.
- Blowing cylinder head gasket.
Tapping or rattling noises
- Worn valve gear or camshaft.
- Ancillary component fault (water pump, alternator, etc).
Knocking or thumping noises
- Worn big-end bearings (regular heavy knocking, perhaps less\ under load).
- Worn main bearings (rumbling and knocking, perhaps worsening under load).
- Piston slap (most noticeable when cold).
- Ancillary component fault (water pump, alternator, etc).
The vehicle owner who does his or her own maintenance according to the recommended service schedules should not have to use this section of the manual very often. Modern component reliability is suc ...Cooling system
Overheating Insufficient coolant in system. Thermostat faulty. Radiator core blocked, or grille restricted . Electric cooling fan or thermoswitch faulty. Ignition timing incorrect . Inac ...See also:
Opel Corsa B 1993–2000 Service and Repair Manual. 1B1 carburettor - overhaul
Note: In the rare event of a complete
carburettor overhaul being necessary, it may
prove more economical to renew the
carburettor as a complete unit. Check the price
and availability of a replacem ...